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Famous Birthdays - Celebrity Birthdays

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Birthdays for 18th of May

Jesse Belle Denver1989Aspen Colorado
Daughter and first child of singer John Denver and his wife Cassandra Delaney 
Zodiac Sign: Taurus - Ascendant: Taurus
Toyah Willcox1958Birmingham England
Rock musician, actress, films include "Jubilee", "The Tempest", "Quadrophenia", best female singer 1982 Pop Awards 
Zodiac Sign: Taurus - Ascendant: Leo
George Straight1952Poteet Texas
Country western singer, won Best Album of the Year and Best Male Vocalist in 1985 
Zodiac Sign: Taurus - Ascendant: Pisces
Alana Stewart1945San Diego California
Talk show co-host, married to actor George Hamilton 1972-77, married singer Rod Stewart 1979-83 
Zodiac Sign: Taurus - Ascendant: Libra
Pernell Roberts1928Waycross Georgia
Actor, Adam Cartright on TV series "Bonanza", TV series "Trapper John MD" 
Zodiac Sign: Taurus - Ascendant: Taurus
Charles Justice1924Asheville North Carolina
Football player 
Zodiac Sign: Taurus - Ascendant: Cancer
Pope John Paul II1920Wadowice Poland
Zodiac Sign: Taurus - Ascendant: Virgo
Pierre Balmain1914Saint Jean de Maurienne France
Fashion designer, brought brilliant glamour to postwar Paris 
Zodiac Sign: Taurus - Ascendant: Cancer
Frank Capra1897Bisacquino Italy
Film director, won 3 Academy Awards, films include "It Happened One Night", "Mr. Deeds", "It's a Wonderful Life" 
Zodiac Sign: Taurus - Ascendant: Pisces
Bertrand Russell1872Trelleck Wales
Writer, Nobel Prize 1950, orphaned at 3 years old, politically involved, opposed WWI 
Zodiac Sign: Taurus - Ascendant: Scorpio

Horoscopes for this week

Ari | Tau | Gem | Can | Leo | Vir | Lib | Sco | Sag | Cap | Aqu | Pis

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Daily Celebrity Birthdays

Famous Birthdays for Saturday, 18th of May, 2024:

Jesse Belle Denver (1989), Toyah Willcox (1958), George Straight (1952), Alana Stewart (1945), Pernell Roberts (1928),...

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